The Fibroids Fighters Foundation is a public welfare organization created to advance the cause of women’s’ health and the safe and effective treatment of uterine fibroids.

Our Mission


Empower women with information about symptoms and treatment options so they have a voice in their care.


Advocate for research that advances fibroid treatment to discover earlier detection, better care and outcomes.


Educate the public about the health, social and economic impact caused by uterine fibroids diseases.

Our Story

July 2023

50 Shades of Purple Summit – Annual Fibroid Awareness Event

We stand as a beacon of hope for women affected by uterine fibroids. By raising awareness, providing support, advocating for improved healthcare options, and disseminating accurate information, our organization empowers women to take control of their health and find the support they need. Through these efforts, Fibroid Fighters is transforming the lives of women worldwide, shedding light on an often-neglected condition, and working towards a future where every woman’s voice is heard and valued. By supporting and attending our event, you play a key role in helping us help thousands of women in their battle with fibroids.

July 2022

Sister’s Brunch in Washington, DC

The Sister’s Brunch was a great event that shed light on Fibroid Awareness! Hosted by Kym Lee King.

June 2022

2022 Fibroid Fighters’ Champion of the Year Award

We are honoring State Rep. Kyra Harris Bolden for her ongoing support of needed legislation to improve women’s health care outcomes for fibroid treatment.

May 2021

Instagram Live Chat Series “Talk About U” Fibroids and Fertility

The Live Instagram Chat Series gives women an opportunity to discuss concerns around uterine fibroids and their ability to get pregnant. Medical experts explain how fibroid treatments impact fertility, and what questions women should ask their health providers.

April 2021

Our Uterine Fibroid Awareness and Education Reception in Washington, D.C.

Our Women’s Health and Wellness Uterine Fibroid Awareness Reception drew staunch support from community leaders who participated in an open forum about improving awareness, education, and treatment options for fibroid disease. Our Founder and CEO Yan Katsnelson, M.D., was the keynote speaker at the event. Upcoming receptions will be held this spring and summer in Atlanta and Maimi.

March 2021

“Break the Silence, Break the Behavior” Video Series

“Break the Silence, Break the Behavior” are conversations with political representatives, thought and community leaders and activists that focus on how we can get more conversations started around fibroid awareness. The series includes discussions with Councilwoman Christine Henderson, Congresswoman Yvette Clarke, Coach Gessie Thompson and others.

“I have the Right” Campaign

This innovative advertising campaign features powerful video testimonials of our ambassadors explaining why women have the right to know about their options with uterine fibroids.

 Stephanie Tubbs Jones Uterine Fibroid Research & Education Act of 2021

Working with Congresswoman Yvette Clarke’s office, we are one of the endorsing organizations for this bill that was reintroduced in March and will impact funding, research, and studies for millions of women.

February 2021

Brand Ambassador Program

Our Ambassador Program is founded on partnerships with celebrity or well-known fibroid survivors to share their stories and to create meaningful engagement with women across the globe raising awareness and urgency for education about uterine fibroids.

December 2020

“Talk About You”

Fibroid Fighters launches “Talk About U”, an online testimonial platform, to bring women together by sharing their experiences with fibroid disease on social media and end suffering in silence.

August 2020

Uterine Fibroids Research and Education Act

Fibroid Fighters is named one of the endorsing organizations on Uterine Fibroids Research and Education Act sponsored by Senator Kamala Harris and Congresswoman Yvette Clarke.


As women began telling us about their battles with fibroids, we realized that education and awareness about symptoms and treatment options was critical. Women were often told that a hysterectomy was their only treatment choice. Our organization rose to the forefront to provide better information, access to medical expertise and connection to other fibroid sufferers.


Fibroid Fighters was started when its Founder Dr. Yan Katsnelson learned that over half a million hysterectomies were performed annually for benign fibroids. “I became a cardiovascular surgeon because I was fascinated with the opportunity to heal and magic of medicine,” Dr. Yan Katsnelson says. “Heart and vascular surgeries had transitioned to better and minimally invasive procedures and the same advancements were available to treat uterine fibroids. But no one was talking about it!” Fibroid Fighters began bringing people together, sharing knowledge, and focusing on strategies to address the fibroid epidemic.

Shaping the Future

We’re shaping the future with our action-charged initiatives to change the conversation around fibroids and educate women across the country about treatment options. We are forming strong networks and partnerships that include people - like you - that care about making healthcare choices, research, and education around fibroids a priority. Let’s put an end to unneeded hysterectomies.


News coverage

Excitement Heats Up in Atlanta for Fibroid Awareness Event

As featured in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, this Mother’s Day, the Fibroid Fighters Foundation and Real Housewives of Atlanta star Cynthia Bailey are hosting a special brunch dedicated to raising

WGn news article

Mother's Day Brunch Awareness Event Promoted by WGN News

The Fibroid Fighters Foundation is thrilled to announce a special Mother’s Day Brunch, “Let’s Get Real About Fibroids,” featuring Real Housewives of Atlanta star Cynthia Bailey and celebrity makeup artist


Study Finds Radiofrequency Ablation Offers Similar Pregnancy Outcomes as Myomectomy

Women with uterine fibroids who are considering treatment to preserve their fertility may be happy to learn about a new option. A recent study published in Obstetrics & Gynecology found