Virtual interviews enable women to share their fibroid stories
Northbrook, IL, December 8, 2020 – Fibroid Fighters Foundation announced today the launch of a new campaign, “Talk About U” to help women share their uterine fibroid experiences. Fibroid Fighters Foundation, a non-profit that advances awareness and education about uterine fibroids, asks women to break the silence and eliminate the taboo around talking about fibroids and their uterine health.
“Talk About U”– the U meaning uterus— is an easy way for women to share their stories virtually using their phones, tablets, or computers. Participants answer a series of questions and have the option to respond in audio, video or text. Fibroid Fighters Foundation will share their testimonial, with permission, on social media to encourage other women to join the conversation around fibroids.
“We are excited to offer women a social platform that helps them share their stories and serve as a source of motivation and hope for others facing the same challenge,” said Fibroid Fighters Foundation Founder and CEO Yan Katsnelson, M.D. “Uterine fibroids is one of the least discussed chronic health challenges that women face, yet it is a condition that affects an estimated 70 to 80 percent.”
The virtual interview consists of ten questions that lead participants to talk about when they first learned they had fibroids, how it affects their daily lives and their journeys through treatment. Fibroid Fighters Foundation hopes to create a community where women can have conversations about saving, protecting, and healing their uteruses.
“I didn’t know that other women had experienced fibroids until I started speaking up about my own condition,” said Dearra Williams, who recently shared her video story on the new platform. “Experiencing fibroids is tough, and women need to know that they are not alone. We need to support each other because there are thousands of women going through this.”
If you are interested in sharing your story for Fibroid Fighter’s new campaign “Talk About U” visit www.fibroidfighters.org/share-your-story to get started.
About Fibroid Fighters Foundation
The Fibroids Fighters Foundation is a public welfare organization created to advance women’s health and awareness about safe and effective uterine fibroids treatment. Its mission is to educate the American public about the health, social and economic damages caused by uterine fibroids, focusing on research and advances in fibroid disease treatment.
Media Contact:
Susan Swartz
[email protected]