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Mother’s Day Brunch with Real Housewives’ Cynthia Bailey  

April 26,2024

Raises Awareness About Fibroids 

Northbrook, IL, April 25, 2024 Fibroid Fighters Foundation announces that Real Housewives of Atlanta star Cynthia Bailey and celebrity makeup artist Kym Lee will host a special Mother’s Day Brunch, Let’s Get Real About Fibroids on Saturday, May 11th, 2024, from 11:00 3:00 p.m. at the Four Seasons Hotel Atlanta. The event offers attendees the opportunity to connect, share experiences, and learn valuable information about this common women’s health issue. 

“Let’s Get Real About Fibroids” features candid conversations about fibroids, their impact on women’s lives, and personal stories from inspiring women who have navigated fibroid diagnoses. Special guests Malorie Bailey and Eugenia Buie will join Cynthia Bailey for a panel discussion, fostering a supportive and empowering environment for attendees. 

This brunch is designed for women who have been diagnosed with fibroids’ and want to learn more about this condition that affects a significant portion of the population—over 26 million in the U.S. alone. The event is designed to help women learn more about fibroids in a supportive community of women. 

“Fibroid disease is an under-discussed medical condition that can impact not only a woman’s health and well-being, but her relationships, fertility, education, and career,” said Yan Katsnelson, M.D., Founder of Fibroid Fighters.  

“By raising awareness, women can learn about symptoms, seek diagnosis, and explore treatment options, such as non-surgical uterine fibroid embolization (UFE), which can improve their quality of life.” 

Cynthia Bailey has become a strong partner with Fibroid Fighters because the organization works to raise awareness and improve the lives of women with fibroids and aligns closely with her desire to empower other women. A fibroid survivor, Bailey has spoken about experiencing fibroid symptoms – pelvic pain, painful sex, and frequent urination- for years before receiving a diagnosis.  

The three panelists, Cynthia, her sister, Malorie Bailey, and Eugenia Buie, underwent a non-surgical UFE treatment, finding relief from their symptoms. UFE is a minimally invasive procedure that blocks blood flow to fibroids, causing them to shrink. 

In contrast, Lee underwent a hysterectomy, the most common treatment for fibroids. Because the procedure removed her uterus entirely, Lee’s experience highlights the importance of informed decision-making. She has become a staunch supporter for women to be presented with all treatment options so they can choose the best course of action that best suits their individual needs and future family planning desires. 

Fibroid Fighters uses a multi-faceted approach that extends beyond events. The non-profits’ website offers resources and promotes a variety of Instagram Live initiatives which spark virtual discussions that further amplify awareness.  

They are also the creators of the powerful “Break the Silence, Break the Behavior” video series, which ignites national conversation on the far-reaching effects of fibroids on women’s physical and emotional well-being, impacting family life and career opportunities. 

Fibroid Fighters plans to hold a second fibroid awareness event in the Washington, D.C. area in June to jumpstart Fibroid Awareness Month observed in July to improve access to care and research funding. 

 For further information and to purchase tickets, click here, or visit 

About Fibroid Fighters  

The Fibroids Fighters Foundation is a public welfare organization created to advance the cause of women’s health and safe and effective treatment of uterine fibroids. Its mission is to educate the public about the health, social and economic impact of uterine fibroids with a focus on research and advances in fibroid disease treatment. 

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