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Unusual Iron Anemia Symptoms

November 02,2020

You’re buying boxes of tampons and pads just to control the constant, heavy bleeding you experience each month. To make matters worse, you’re ruining clothing and avoiding leaving the house in fear that you’ll have another “bleed-through”. As if you’d even want to leave the house with how tired you’ve become lately. But what do all of these symptoms mean? Is it normal to have periods this heavy or feeling like you need to sit down after walking to the car?

We help people living with heavy periods understand what is and what isn’t normal as well as when it’s important to consult a physician. If you think you may be living with iron anemia symptoms caused by a heavy period or you’re wondering, “does anemia make you tired?”, keep reading to learn more.

Typical Symptoms of Anemia Caused by an Iron Deficiency

Unlike many other conditions that lie unknown for years without showing any signs, iron anemia symptoms usually cause noticeable, physical issues that can be easily diagnosed. A few common iron deficiency anemia symptoms include:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Brittle nails
  • Pale skin, especially in the face
  • Chest pain or shortness of breath

If you notice any of the above iron anemia symptoms, it’s important to consult your doctor at once to determine the underlying cause. Anemia can worsen quickly and become life-threatening if ignored.

Does Anemia Make You Tired?

Yes, fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of iron deficiency anemia. Both uterine fibroids and anemia can cause a feeling of fatigue and weakness. This is because your body is lacking the iron and hemoglobin, which helps carry oxygen around the body. Without enough hemoglobin, less oxygen is able to reach your tissues, organs, and muscles, depriving them of energy. Having a heavy period and tiredness should always be taken seriously and be discussed with a fibroid/women’s health specialist.

Even just slight exercise like walking up a small flight of stairs, driving your car, or cooking a meal often becomes extremely tiresome. This is a major reason living with uterine fibroids and/or anemia can severely affect your personal life.

Unusual Iron Anemia Symptoms

Many people with anemia discuss feeling tired or dizzy, but what about other symptoms that are less common? Here are a few unusual iron anemia symptoms you may experience:

Can Anemia Cause Hair Loss?

Yes, due to the fact that iron contributes to the production of hemoglobin (the ability to deliver nutrients and oxygen to certain cells in your body) hair loss can be caused by anemia. When you are experiencing a lack of iron, anemia can cause hair loss. Thankfully, hair should grow back once the underlying cause of your anemia is treated. 

Why Does Anemia Make You Cold?

If your hands or feet are feeling unusually cold, it may be caused by poor blood circulation. If you don’t have enough red blood cells in your body, you will have less oxygen in certain tissues like your extremities. Iron deficiency anemia is not the only type that can cause you to feel cold. 

Bruising Caused by Anemia

If you’re wondering, “does anemia causing bruising” your first thought may be that it couldn’t. However, a lack of iron caused by heavy periods or blood loss can result in skin becoming more susceptible to bruising or injury. Many people with iron anemia symptoms may experience itchy, rash-like bruises on their extremities.

Can Anemia Cause Headaches?

People often talk about experiencing dizziness or lightheadedness with iron deficiency anemia, but chronic headaches are another symptom you may want to look out for. Anemia can cause headaches due to a lack of iron. A lack of iron and other vitamins can reduce the oxygen traveling to the brain which can result in headaches. 

In addition, heavy periods and headaches, or dizziness caused by anemia may happen more frequently around your menstrual period. If you’re experiencing a heavy period and headaches, it’s important to track your symptoms and notify your doctor as soon as you can.

How Can Anemia Cause Nausea?

Both uterine fibroids and anemia are known to cause nausea. This is because dizziness, weakness, and loss of appetite are some common symptoms of a lack of iron and hemoglobin. If you’re researching, “can anemia cause nausea?” the answer is yes. Anemia and nausea is an important aspect in understanding how certain symptoms are related to one another. A lack of oxygen to your brain and other organs cause by low iron levels can cause dizziness which is usually related to nausea. Fibroids can also cause severe pelvic or back pain which can induce a sense of nausea.

If you are feeling nauseous after a heavy period, you may want to get diagnosed for fibroids.

Why Is Iron Deficiency Anemia Often Caused by Fibroids?

Depending on their size and location, uterine fibroids often cause heavy bleeding either during, between, or even outside your usual menstrual period. If your heavy period becomes chronic and persists, your body could be running on low levels of iron. 

It’s important to know the signs and symptoms of iron deficiency anemia so you can get the care you need before it worsens.

Does Anemia Go Away on Its Own?

There is no simple answer to this question. Anemia can improve with the proper diet or supplements; however if uterine fibroids are to blame, anemia can become serious. It’s important to get to the root of your symptoms and see if treating fibroids could help.

Getting Treatment for Iron Anemia Symptoms Caused by Fibroids

It can literally be exhausting dealing with anemia symptoms. Anemia is a serious consequence of leaving uterine fibroids untreated. Get ahead of the situation by getting a diagnosis from a fibroid specialist near you.

We provide educational materials for women who may be living with heavy periods or anemia caused by fibroids. If you’re struggling with these symptoms, finding a treatment center near you doesn’t have to be difficult or time consuming. Explore our website or give us a call at 855.455.5262 to learn more about how we can help you in your journey.

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