Many women often wonder if their fibroids will return after treatment. If you get a hysterectomy, your fibroids will never return as there is nowhere for them to grow. However, hysterectomy is not always the best option for treatment as recovery can be long and there can be side effects.
If you receive fibroid treatment, the fibroids will not return. This doesn’t mean that you can’t potentially develop new fibroids later on. The rate of recurrence varies across different treatment methods. For women that undergo myomectomy, or surgical removal of the fibroids, the more fibroids that are removed, the less likely they are to return.
What You Can Do
If you are wondering “can fibroids come back after being removed”, we recommend meeting with a fibroid specialist just to make sure there is nothing to worry about. The specialist can run an ultrasound test on you to visibly see inside your uterus and monitor any fibroid growth.
Thankfully there are more treatment options available for uterine fibroids that have a lower rate of recurrence. For example, minimally-invasive treatments like Uterine Fibroid Embolization is very effective at relieving fibroid symptoms and has a low rate of recurrence.
Fibroids are very unpredictable; this is why it can be difficult to determine exactly what causes them to return. If you are someone who had fibroid treatment and your fibroids have returned, we are here for you. We understand that living with fibroids is not easy, especially if you have to live through it twice. Also, not all fibroid treatment procedures are affordable, meaning that you might end up spending thousands for treatment only to have your fibroids return later on.
The Value of a Second Opinion
There are a variety of great treatment options out there, but they all respond differently to different cases or types of fibroids. Women with very large fibroids or fibroids in large numbers may find hysterectomy to be more useful. But this is only recommended if you don’t want to get pregnant.
Before you decide on a fibroid treatment, it can be very valuable to get a second opinion. This means that you should plan to consult with at least 2 different specialists about your fibroid concerns. Ideally they should agree on a treatment method, but if not, you should also do your own research about which fibroid treatment would be best for you.
Share your Story
If you have uterine fibroids, we want you to know we are here for you. As Fibroid Fighters, it’s our mission to raise awareness about the effects of fibroids, as well as educate women on the various options for treatment.
We also want to invite anyone who has experience with uterine fibroids, whether you had them in the past, already had treatment, or know someone who had fibroids, we want to hear from you. When you provide us with your story, it not only helps us find any patterns in fibroid development, but it also can be a valuable resource to other women currently struggling with fibroids.