Since the dawn of time, women across the world have been tasked with the roles of caregiver and nurturer. We spend days and nights performing these demanding roles, as well as every waking moment thinking about other people and other things that we have to take care of. We can get so lost in the whirlwind of these tasks that we often, sometimes subconsciously, put everyone else’s well-being before our own.
Even with decades of profound changes in the society and all the rocking revelations of the movements we have been through, women’s roles are not all that different from what they used to be.
If we look really closely, these have only evolved into an even more complex role; the role of “superwoman” – The word that sounds so empowering that most women spread themselves so thin trying to achieve it.
Superwoman is a new breed of ‘do it all’ and ‘do it better’ female generation, who spends every waking moment advancing her career in the work place and making sure everyone and everything in her house still functions as it should be. All the while that she is jumping through hoops and dodging the bullets, she manages to make it all look effortless.
As time goes on, women have taken on more and more responsibilities; we are still retaining traditional roles in the home while striving to achieve great careers.
Though it is thrilling to see women’s roles grow with endless boundaries in this everchanging society, one thing has not changed; women still put themselves last on the priority list.
We have one life with many facets, which include work, family, community, friends and—we often forget about an important one—ourselves!
The idea is we can still be caregivers and nurturers, which are wonderful and crucial qualities. However, we should not forget to apply those qualities to ourselves. Taking care of yourself is not a selfish thing; it is a crucial thing.
To put things into perspective, take this example. When you aboard a plane, you are always instructed by the crew to put on the oxygen mask for yourself first, not your child, your partner or any person sitting next to you. You must make sure you are well-equipped and in good health before you can help others.
There is nothing more empowering than bettering yourself through self-care. And that is what it means to be a woman today.
Here are some ideas on how to nurture and care for yourself physically, mentally and spiritually.
Women often have an unwillingness to ask for help to avoid seeming incapable and incompetent. But no one can do everything alone.
Navigating through life takes a village. And the good thing is that people like helping others. It feels good. It creates connection. It shows us that we all have vulnerabilities and need support from time to time.
Today’s women recognize this importance. Having a group or a community with shared interests and goals give us partnerships that do not only help them feel better, but can also release them from ongoing worries, rewind their mind from overthinking the issues and refocus their energy on finding solution to the problem.
Putting yourself in the equation should not be something to be taken lightly or only when your body is reaching a burnout. Self-care is simply an everyday, healthy ritual that keep your body and mind reenergized. Taking even a short time slot in the day to focus on your wellness is crucial; it’s your “Me” moment where you slow down to think and care for your own needs. It should become your daily routine. It could be as simple as going to bed every night at the same time or taking a bubble bath or lighting candles and even taking a pause to take deep breaths. It’s doing whatever that recharges you either physically, mentally or spiritually, and then incorporating it as a ritual into your daily life.
According to a study by Medical Care Research and Review, people who take charge of their health, including having regular health exams in all facets, ultimately have better health outcomes, and benefit from improved functioning and lower use of costly health care services over time.
Taking care of your health is highly essential to taking control of your life and can result in a life well-lived. That’s even more true when you’re living with serious and progressive health condition like Uterine Fibroid.
Factors that increase the risk of having uterine fibroids include race, family history, age, weight and hormones. Approximately 33 percent of women develop uterine fibroids during their childbearing years and 70-80% of women will have developed them by the age of 50. So, it’s always a good idea to get an early checkup.
Your health is important. Taking charge can mean the difference between prevention and treatment.
Whether you do all of these some of the time, or some of them all of the time, increasing your capacity in these areas of self-care will improve your abilities to take charge of other areas of your life and be the “superwoman” that you are.