A staunch supporter of women’s rights to better healthcare, Kyra Harris Bolden succeeded in designating Fibroid Awareness Month in Michigan to spread education about fibroid disease. She talks with Fibroid Fighters Founder, Dr. Yan Katsnelson, and fibroid ambassador, Erica L. Taylor in this new episode of Break the Silence, Break the Behavior Video series.
“I made fibroid disease a focal point of my legislation and an appropriation for research because of my own personal experience,” the 35th District State representative said.
In the Spring of 2020, Kyra Bolden noticed a protrusion in her stomach. It rapidly increased to the size of a softball, just as the nation was gripped by COVID-19.
Bolden discovered after doing some research that it was probably fibroids.
She had to wait three months to see her doctor because of the pandemic. An ultrasound discovered two tiny fibroids. Her doctor did additional tests and found more fibroids that were growing quickly.
“The one thing I learned is the importance of having multiple diagnostic tests done,” says Bolden. “After the initial exam, I thought I had two little fibroids. By the time I could see my doctor who performed a myomectomy, I had several fibroids that had grown significantly.
Bolden understands the genuine problem that fibroid disease poses to millions of women.
“I had to take time off of work for the myomectomy,” she said. “It is like a C-section. I sympathize with the many women who have fibroids and must miss work.”
According to Dr. Katsnelson, “fibroid pain paralyzes the life of the average woman. Fibroid illness promotes absenteeism, which hinders women’s performance in school, college, or the workplace.”
Uterine Fibroid disease is the most prevalent reproductive illness affecting women.
“Talking about fibroids and bringing education about symptoms and treatment is crucial because it increases awareness,” says Katsnelson.
We hope the discussion goes on.
Help us raise awareness of fibroid disease and better fibroid treatment. Share the “Break the Silence, Break the Video Series” with friends, family, and community leaders.
Hysterectomies are most frequently performed due to uterine fibroids.
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