The Fibroid Fighters Foundation wrapped up their 4th annual “Night in Bloom” event Thursday, July 25, 2024. Yahoo! News, which picked up the story from WPIX TV New York, described as a “powerful evening of solidarity.”
The event not only raised awareness about uterine fibroids but also supported women battling them. Eugenia Buie, a Fibroid Fighters host of their “Girls, Let’s Chat” IG Live, was among the many speakers who shared her struggle with fibroids on stage.
“When I was working out, I used to feel like maybe I was dehydrated,” Buie said. “I came to find out it was actually the fibroids because the blood supply that’s supposed to be going through your body was actually being harvested by the fibroid.”
According to Dr. Yan Katsnelson, who founded the nonprofit, 40 million women experience fibroids across the country. He wants women to know about all available treatment options, including uterine fibroid embolization.
“Eighty percent of black women and 70 percent of white women by age of 50 develop this condition,” Dr. Katsnelson said.
In addition to Dr. Yan Katsnelson other keynote speakers included actress Cynthia Bailey who emphasized the importance of raising awareness about fibroids and treatment options. There are many different ways doctors treat fibroids including minimally invasive treatment such as uterine fibroid embolization (UFE). UFE is a non-surgical treatment that relieves fibroids, making it an alternative to hysterectomy.
“A lot of women still don’t know what options they have to actually get on the other side of fibroids,” said Bailey. “A lot of women still think that hysterectomy is the only answer and that is absolutely the last resort you should ever take.”
If you have uterine fibroids or suspect you have fibroids, consider consulting a healthcare provider specializing in fibroid treatment. Early intervention and personalized care can help reduce potential risks associated with fibroids.
Read the full story here.